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All Shore Jazz Bands

All Shore Jazz Bands
2024-2025 Calendar



Registration Opens



Application Postmark Deadline




6:00pm - 8:30pm



6:00pm - 8:30pm




All Shore Jazz Bands

Audition Information


To be eligible to audition for the All Shore Jazz Band, you must be a student at an affiliated school. In addition, you must be sponsored by your band director.  Only a member-band director can sponsor a student for this ensemble. You must be a member of your school's jazz band and remain as such throughout your All Shore experience. Vocational students who attend a school without a music program may only be sponsored by their home public school’s music program after fulfilling the program’s membership requirements.

Before you decide to audition, you must make sure that you are able to attend all rehearsals and performances. Please review the calendar or the dates as listed below to see rehearsal and concert dates. Medically documented illness and performance in YOUR school's JAZZ Band are the only acceptable absences. Any other absence will result in dismissal from the group.



Attendance Policy

  1. If I fail to attend either the first rehearsal or the dress rehearsal I will be dismissed.

  2. I understand that Medical Documentation of an absence is required (doctor/school nurse note) at the beginning of the following rehearsal or I will be dismissed.

  3. If an absence is required due to a performance in my high school's corresponding ensemble, I understand that Documentation of the performance (sponsoring Band Director communication with All Shore Exec. Board prior to first rehearsal) is required or I will be dismissed.

  4. I understand that Perfect attendance is required to be considered for solos.

  5. Tardy Policy

    • Tardy is arriving 15 minutes within the start time of the scheduled rehearsal.

    • Upon 2 tardies, a student MAY be dismissed. 

    • 2 tardies will count as an absence. 

    • Upon the 3rd tardy, the student WILL be dismissed.

    • 2 absences, no matter the excuse, will result in dismissal from the ensemble.

  6. If I am dismissed from the band or fail to meet my obligations as an All Shore member, I will be ineligible to audition for next year's ensembles (Jazz and Symphonic).


Performance Attire Policy

  • Boys: All Black long sleeve button down, black dress pants, your school's color tie OR black tie

  • Girls: Capped Sleeves, no backless clothing, no stilettos, black dress pants

  • All: No sneakers, no heavy perfume/cologne, no distracting jewelry

Audition Requirements

All students will complete a solo and a sight-reading portion.  

Solo - see webpage

ASBDA selects audition/solo etudes from a standardized set of method/solo books listed below. The student/auditioner will perform solo using an original, printed copy on the prescribed day of the audition.  Photocopies will only be accepted/permitted if accompanied with the original from which it was made.  Future solos will be selected from these books.  Therefore the student will be able to use them throughout four years in high school.  Students: please purchase the method book below appropriate for your instrument and learn the accompanying excerpt.    



All students will perform sight-reading as part of the audition.

A student who does not complete both portions of the audition will be deemed unacceptable.  



additional information

In order to play an improvised solo with the band...

  • All Solos are at the discretion of the ensemble director. 

  • All accepted students have the option of auditioning for improvised solos. 

  • The desire to do so must be indicated on the application.  

  • Perfect attendance is required to be considered for solos


Students and parents will direct all questions, regarding auditions, to their sponsoring director. 

2024-2025 ASBDA Jazz Bands Student Registration Form

Before clicking on the link, please read all above information.

In addition, please make sure you have the school director's code from your school's band director.

ASBDA - A venture of the band directors of Monmouth and Ocean Counties (NJ) to provide musical opportunities for our students as well as professional growth for educators.

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